Brushing Teeth Education Moments

Assalamualaikum hola!

Kejadian hari Jumaat (26092014) which is my group did a research at kindergaten (Tadika Akal) dekat je dgn my college. Disebabkan this subjek kitorang wajib ambik, maka bermula lah 'research terpaksa' yang perlu kitorang fikir "what research we want to do that related with heatlh science" since kitorang memang dak pharmacy. Takkan lah nak kaji ramalan cuaca pulak kan, parah kang!

Group lain ada yang pilih tajuk breakfast, BMI, hygienic handwash. So my group decided to do research on brushing teeth education among children (4-6 years old) then that's why our group have to go to the kindergarten and do a research and so on.

My group consist of 4 people (me, mary, leong and wendy) but since children at that kindergarten have 35 children and kitorang cam fikir 'susah nak handle budak ramai camtu' makanya kitorang pun ajak lah classmates kitorang yg mana group diorang dah settle dgn tugas memasing! Thanks to Maria, Julian, Amy and Tiraamin sebab jd photographer capture moments kitorang dgn dak tadika. I loikeee

So here we go!

Masa kitorang sampai, half tengah rehat-rehat minum air, half lagi baru beratur turun tangga

Comelnyaaaaaaaa lahai bebudak niiii, rasa nak cubit je pipi semorang

"teacher teacher, what is your name?"
"my name is athirah"
"what are we gonna to do today teacher?"
"we're going to brush our teeth"
-sekian saja perbualan ku dgn salah seorang drpd mereka-

ada budak pulak takut dgn flash camera pastu tengok camera dslr tiraamin pun dia takut sampai lari duduk penjuru kelas. haish memacam bebudak ni

some of them were excited with my laptop hahaha so cute lah you guys

haku pun attracted sekali dengan leong's demo emmmmm

Only siti, her eyes on the camera. Haiiiii siti :D

So I thought we were took a lot of time at explaination+presentation. Yelahhh panggil budak sorang-sorang ke depan supaya diorang faham macam mana nak berus gigi dgn betul *sigh*


And the last part is QUESTIONNAIRE. Oh siapa yang pernah buat research sebelum ni tahulah questionnaire tu ape kannn

And the questionnaire parts we did not have time to finish all question to the children *sigh* sebab semua tak perasan jam dah pukul 12 tengah hari and we forgot that day hari jumaat, mestilah parents datang awal ambik anak-anak diorang kan. So we will come again on monday to finish all the questionnaire *sad face* I thought we are can finish all in one day but hm sokaylah boleh jumpa diorang lagi isnin nanti yes!

So in that kindergaten, this is le famous kid! She is so pretty, no one can't deny. Well, anak principle tadika pulak. Alahaiii sayang why awak tak pandang camera? Teacher je semangat senyum lebar kat camera haha loveyou!

Ouh ini kisah lain eh k lah bai. Next time on another story :->